Do it with passion, or not at all.

Authentic photography by Veronika Szwejk.

20 years ago, I held my first camera in my hands.

It was heavy, old-fashion Nikon.

Back then, as a kid I just couldn’t resist that shutter button.

It felt SO natural to take photos, so I started carrying my camera everywhere.

From quick clicks, photography evolved into my full-time profession and passion.

My work has graced the covers of magazines and reached clients all over the world, including names like UNIQLO, VANGUARD, RADISSON, EMPIK.

Today, it’s more than just about taking pictures; it’s an experience.

A powerful tool to make other people feel beautiful and confident, without heavy editing and retouching.

In a world of edited perfection, I’m here to celebrate the REAL DEAL.

If you wish to book photo shoot with me, click here.